All landlords are obliged to provide tenants with safe and well-maintained gas appliances.
Key Collection Service Available
This needs to be proven legally with a new Landlords Gas Safety Inspection Certificate CP12 every 12 months. Our engineers are Gas Safe Registered and are up to date with the latest safety regulations They are able to conduct safety inspections to ensure that all gas appliances and installations are working within acceptable parameters at the time of inspection and who can, consequently, provide this safety inspection certificate.
Legionella is a form of bacteria commonly found in water systems such as water tanks, pipes and air conditioning units. By inhaling small droplets of water containing this bacteria it can cause Legionnaires’ Disease.
Landlords must comply with the new regulations. In addition, they have a legal duty to ensure that their tenants and others visiting the property are protected.
The purpose of the Risk Assessment is to identify any risks in your water system. The assessment should be able to establish whether there are any risks of exposure to legionella.
We offer a combined ‘Landlords Package’ which includes your Gas Safety Check (Up to 3 appliances) & Legionella Risk Assessment for £105.

Only use a GAS SAFE REGISTERED ENGINEER to FIT, FIX and SERVICE your gas appliances. Click here for more info.